What's happening this week at Calvary?
Please join us on Sunday Mornings for in-person worship and Sunday School!
Wednesday, December 18th:
- 2:00 pm - Afternoon Bible Study
Thursday, November 19th:
- 9:00 am - Men's Coffee in the Keystone Room
- 9:00 a, - Calvalog Collated
Saturday, December 21st: First Day of Winter
Sunday, December 22nd: Fourth Sunday of Advent
- 9:00 am - Keystone Class Adult Study in the Keystone Room
- 9:00 am - Adult Bible Study in the Library
- 10:10 am - Pre-service Prayer in the Library
- 10:15 am - Children's Check-in opens
- 10:30 am - Children's Classes
- Nursery - age 0 to 2 years
- Kids - Preschool to 5th grade
- 10:30 am - Cantata & Worship Service
- 11:30 am - Cookie Extravaganza
Wednesday, December 25th:
Christmas Day - Church closed - no activities
Thursday, December 26th:
Church closed - no Activities