Who We Are

Welcome to Calvary!

Calvary Baptist Church is a gathering of individuals of differing ages, cultures, and denominational backgrounds who unite as disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have given our hearts to Christ and are committed to pursuing the lifelong challenge of holding our relationship with Jesus as the most important thing in our lives. This involves a commitment to understanding and obeying God’s teachings as revealed to us through His word, the Bible, as well as nurturing a personal and intimate relationship with God through the person and presence of the Holy Spirit.

We run the spectrum of ages from newborns to 90 year olds with programming and ministry opportunities for those of every age. Some of our members are brand new while others have been here since the church opened its doors; but whether new or old, it is our desire that each individual who is led to Calvary senses both the Spirit of God and a spirit of family as they walk through our doors.

Though there are those from a number of denominations who now call Calvary their church home, our official denominational affiliation is with the American Baptist Churches USA which is headquartered in Valley Forge, PA. As American Baptists, our desire is to develop “healthy missional churches that nurture devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who live their lives in mission and ministry for the healing of the world through the love of God.” (taken from the ABC/USA Focus Statement) For more information about American Baptists, you are invited to visit their website at www.abc-usa.org/.

While our historical roots are connected with the American Baptists, as an autonomous local congregation we believe God has called Calvary to the specific task of raising disciples who are fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Our Purpose Statement is “To Glorify God by Becoming Disciples Who Know and Live God’s Will.” We take seriously the charge to live our lives in obedience to the teachings and truths revealed in the Bible (Deuteronomy 26:16; John 14:23) knowing that as we do so, we will be transformed and experience the joy and peace that is so elusive in our world today. (2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 5:22-23)