
Calvary has a long tradition of supporting mission efforts locally, nationally, and around the world. Whether sending our youth on missions trips to meet the tangible and spiritual needs of those within the boundaries of our own country, or supporting missionaries in various locations in Africa through both regular financial support and occasional missions trips, we recognize that a part of being a disciple is reaching out to others in the name of Jesus.

We also believe that, as Christ followers, we have both the privilege and responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus within our own spheres of influence as God provides the opportunity. Thus, in a sense, we are all called to the missions field in our own backyards.

Missionaries We Support

Glen & Rita ChapmanCongo

Website: https://www.internationalministries.org/author/gr-chapman/

Bruce & Ann BorquistSE Asia

Website: https://www.internationalministries.org/author/ab-borquist/

Mylinda BaitsRegional Missionary

Website: https://www.internationalministries.org/author/m-baits/

Dan & Sarah Chetti - Lebanon


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